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We are a new local music and art publication that seeks to support the Charleston music scene (and beyond) through photojournalism.  This is a high quality art publication that features portraiture of musicians.
Through creative photoshoots and intimate interviews with artists, we strive to connect the community and hope our efforts help us know each other better. 9 To 5 is inspired by the talents in which we all possess but strive to share on a daily basis. (Hence why it’s called 9 to 5!) Each issue comes with a downloadable sampler of the featured artists so you can listen while readin’ up. These tracks are available on our website under “playlist”

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I make my zine under the name "Keep It Weird Comics" and some issues are open submission zines where local artists submit a drawing or comic that apply to a theme or prompt, and the personal zines I put together involve my drawings/comics that reflect on weird occurrences in daily life (or crazy things that happen at work) represented through cartoons or singular images.




Caroline Leigh Smith draws diary comics about the absurd and the mundane in everyday life, currently in her fifth year of daily comic strips. She also draws about cats and robots. In addition to comics and zines she makes stickers and pins.





Olive Dares the Darkness is an experimental, industrial, new wave group out of Charleston, SC. You can expect to see the amazing artwork for the group at the fest, all done by Heather Thornton.


Hurricane Hunnies is a Charleston-based art collective providing a creative, safe space for woman and non-binary individuals in the DIY community.


James Turek is a comics author and illustrator. He'll be bringing his Florida-centric Zine, 'Clicks and Echoes'.


Jesse H Mead grew up on Isle Of Palms, SC. He graduated The Center for Cartoon Studies in 2011. He became a trained Ghostscout in 2013. He learned a lot of cool things from other media in that time, too. When he's not working on his short story comic, Baby Knife, he enjoys the occasional steamed artichoke.

INSTAGRAM: @dontforgetthesnuggle


Joe Chang was born in North Carolina and currently lives in Charleston, SC. He dropped out of the prestigious NC School of the Arts School of Filmmaking and has made several award-winning feature films. He has played in various bands over the years, and currently fronts a project called Gold Light, and plays bass with Grace Joyner. He draws the comic “On The Scene” bi-weekly for the Charleston City Paper. 

At my table, people can find my first zine called “On Tour”, which follows the adventures of musicians on the road. Also my most recent zine “On The Scene”, a compilation of short comics about the music scene and people who go to shows. I will also have prints and original works of a series I’ve drawn called “NAMES” (which features 3 famous people with the same first name), as well as some buttons and other goodies.


Hi! I am Josiah Blevins, a multimedia artist based in Rock Hill, SC.

Five years ago I graduated from Winthrop University's Fine Arts program (Printmaking, Sculpture), and since then I have been dabbling in performance-based art and music- creating design work for several different musical ventures in addition to my own visual work. Inspired by folk traditions, comics, magic, new media, and pop culture, I like to abstract my own specific experiences to make them more emotionally relatable to other people.

INSTAGRAM: @shiveringbrigade

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InC Street Media makes its triumphant return for its 2nd CZF, featuring new work and classics from local street artist WH?T. Original, limited edition stickers and other awesome stuff you want will be there including CZF exclusives!

INSTAGRAM: @tagsayswhat 


Karla Holland is a Wilmington, NC-based cartoonist and graphic designer who produces diy mini comics, coloring books and a few prints of artwork. Her work can be seen on Charlotte's Tangents Magazine online, the Charlotte Art League, and her own blog The Gorgon Transplant.





Last spring, Ben Muldrow and Lucius Nelson incurred the hard luck of being banished to the Dirt Pit. As exiles oft do, the two young lads formed a fast friendship and began to concoct schemes. Not the least of which is their zine project currently underway, --g--a--u--n--t--.

- it's a collaborative art zine with work from artists spanning the East Coast.

- we're celebrating the elaborate phenomena of thinness

- it's partially inspired by Muldrow's meager frame

- it features collaborators: Karen Paavola, Kevin McLean, Jordan Fowler, Rosemary Dungan, Blake Godsey, Sage Graham, Faye Kolkmann, Justin Booher, Chloe King, Jacob Graudin & Nick from Staten Island


I'm currently working on two comic zines, one of which is primarily in the genre of weird/ pulp fiction and another which is slice of life cartooning.


Hi! My name is Marcus, I’m into ponytails and spider man. I draw things sometimes.  also, my girlfriend is way cooler than me . I ninja flip over couches and turn cats into projectiles. (that part is partially true, I love cats) “
I will be selling prints, patches, pins, stickers and original art! I will also be releasing my first ever zine! It will be a mini comic about Spider-Man and his Deadly Foes!


I was raised by a box of dollar bin comics and thrown out when they realized I would never grow into a limited edition holographic cover like they had hoped. Now I draws cartoons and paint constantly in an awkward attempt to regain their affection." most people would know me from my work in the As You Were Anthology Series and the horrible webcomic Damn Hipsters.


Nat. Brut (pr. nat broot) is a journal of art and literature. We are broadly interdisciplinary, with a heavy focus on accessibility. We also have a deep fascination with found photos and the public domain. Visibility matters, and we value creative work that has been buried, ignored, or has disappeared from public consciousness. We bring together work that is both serious and humorous, formal and experimental, by artists and writers who are trained and untrained, emerging and established. We aim to make this work accessible to people of all social, economic, and academic backgrounds. And we aim to do all this without committing the pervasive injustice of prioritizing, consciously or otherwise, cis-het-white-able-male voices and narratives. There's really no other option for us; it's just the way we operate. When we're able to print content, we do so sustainably by using recycled paper and materials, soy inks, and responsible production practices.


DOJO NOWHERE’S MOUND OF MISCELLANY will feature newly printed scores from
INFINITIKISS (Chateau De MeowMeow Rock Music), digital download codes for the latest release
(REFLEXIONS: sound collage pour ton visage) combined with various forms of physical media
and a headphone listening station. In addition to music-related printed matter, a new book from
author and collaborator Alison Lea Sher called The Millennial’s Guide To Changing The World
(Skyhorse Publishing) will also be available. Puet être... plus?


Oral Zine is a Detroit-based publication made up of Anna Konson and Aaron Barton. Aaron is a photographer, focusing on street and fine art photography. His current projects are 'THE DEVIL IS DEAD' and 'People Who Saw Me'. Anna is a designer and illustrator, focusing on linocut prints and graphic design. Her current projects are 'Femmes' and 'Dates'. Oral creates zines and publications as a collective, and separately. The creators bring their voices together to tackle subjects through multifaceted art, style and emotion.




Scott Hensel is a cartoonist most known for his daily diary comic strip that he started drawing in 2014. The strip follows his mundane and awkward day to day life of work, relationships, conversations, thoughts, and weirdness. In addition to diary comics, Scott was also voted in as "Editorial Cartoonist" for the Greenville News in 2018 and he self publishes his own comic "Monstieur" which collects his comic art and more absurd stories, including the beloved antihero "Whaleman."

Steve Steglin


West Ashley-resident Steve Stegelin is the editorial cartoonist and illustrator at Charleston City Paper, where he’s documented the hypocrisy of politicians and the shenanigans of Charleston’s drunks and criminals for the past 14+ years. When not at the drawing board for the alt.weekly, Steve works with Run Riot Media on Hart Jeffers’ self-published comic book SOL, where he serves as the series' editor and letterer and contributes its serial backup, Mort: Space Badger.


Susan Hendley is a visual artist who has spent the majority of their life roaming the southeast. Susan creates (mostly) functional ceramic objects, and has worked for various studios and maker spaces. In their spare time, they enjoy picking plants and flowers, and thinking about rap air horns and good karaoke songs (even though they have never sang karaoke). Susan is excited about joining CHS Zine fest this year and hopes to bring some exciting ceramic objects for your daily life.


Vik is an illustrator and painter working in a variety of mediums. His work exists in an expanding narrative in a land called Firn. Each picture and illustration gives more info into the world and it's inhabitants.

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